Description of the image of God the father:

God the father wants to be portrayed as he is:
as a loving father, who affectionately waits for his children, to take them in his arms again.
Until now, through all the centuries, the adversary has managed to portray a God the father, who seems either old, distant, threatening or powerful. This is not God the father: Here you can see a God the father, to whom nothing is more important than the return of his children.
Here you see a God the father, who is no older than between 50 and 60
Here you see a God the father, who reflects love and affection in his eyes.
Here you see a God the father, who is ready for the most important celebration there will ever be:
The second coming of his only begotten son Jesus Christ, who will come as a judge, to judge all children on the path they have chosen.

About God the father:
God the father wears a king’s crown, whose points indicate the 12 tribes of Israel, that will prevail in the new Jerusalem, led by the 12 apostles. He wears his best garments for the big celebration, made of gold, jewels, precious stones and pearls, decorated with brocade and ornaments.

The precious stones from the scriptures:
A rainbow springs up from his heart. The rainbow stands for the connection between the father and his children. This rainbow also comes from the heart, because the children are created by the father, completely out of love. The rainbow leads to the cross (head of the cross), because the children only regained access to the father, through the crucifixion of the son. The cross is death, but at the same time salvation and resurrection.
God the father has his son leaning on his right thigh, suffering torture on the cross.
Both the gaze of the father and the gaze of the son are directed towards the child, who represents all children.
The gaze of the father is yearning, loving, but also sad.
Yearning, because he yearned for his children for so long, was so patient, and always thought of them wistfully, in the hope that they would all come back to him. Loving, because he loves his children eternally, so much that we cannot imagine it.
Merciful, because through His death, He send mercy into the world, so that the people could accept this mercy, therefore his son.
Sad, because he knows, that not all children say yes to him and return to him.
The father holds his arms wide open, to welcome his children. But to get to the father, the child must first accept the cross of life, and suffering. They must also be cleansed and redeemed by the cross, to get to the father.
Only through the son can we get to the father. The son is the link between child and father. The cross is also a link, because, the children are redeemed by the cross, and regain access to the father.
In addition, without the cross there is no life and no resurrection.
The son Jesus Christ stands between the father and the child, because he is the way and the truth, and only through him can we get to the father.
The son also looks at the child, as the son, united with the father, feels the same love for the children as the father, and equally places all his hope on the children reaching the father.
However, the suffering is no longer the focus with the second coming, but rather the joy. However, he no longer comes as a redeemer, but as a judge.
This is all shown by the fact, that the rainbow, which springs out of the heart of the father, as a seal of the connection and friendship between God and man, where man is created – from love – flows into the cross, and indeed the head of the cross.
Only half of the rainbow is present, as only some of the children will return.
The rainbow flows into the cross, because our life is not only a path to joy, but also the cross. (Those who bear their cross and follow me, will receive eternal life). At the end is hopefully joy. But only after the suffering and the Way of the Cross can complete joy be found.
Equally, slight beams emerge from the rainbow, which then flow towards the child from the cross.
The cut in Jesus’ heart forms the focus of the image. Because, through his precious blood, through the cuts in his heart, came redemption and access to the father.
The crossbeam of the cross sticks through this wound in the heart, which portrays the connection between the father’s heart and the child, where the child was created.
Equally, the longitudinal beam of the cross also sticks through the wound. Then we see the child. The visionary stands for all the children in the world. The child wears a white dress, which was washed in the blood of the lamb.
She also wears a headscarf (mantilla), which portrays the order and tradition, the reverence and honour to God.
The child is at a distance from the father, as she is on the path to the father, but still has to get through the cross. Through the truth and the way (Jesus Christ) she then finally reaches the father, if she honestly repents all her sins, professes her faith to Jesus Christ and has done penance for her sins. She was also cleansed in the blood of the lamb, that is Jesus Christ.
The child kneels, because she expresses the awe and honour in trinity (each knee should bend, and every mouth proclaim, that Jesus is our lord)
The longing gaze of the child goes towards the lord, and through the lord to the father. It forms a straight line, because only in this way is the path to the father possible. Through God the father, the holy spirit appears as a dove. All three form the trinity (God the father, the son and the holy spirit). These shine uniquely, during the second coming, so that they are visible to everyone.
The gold of the coat of the father stands for divine justice, which portrays the second coming of Jesus Christ as judge.
To celebrate the second coming of Christ, the whole sky is decorated and prepared. A celebration that exceed everything. No celebration in heaven or on earth was ever so beautiful and elaborate. Behind the throne of the father, you can see a choir of angels in a row, who musically open and accompany the celebration.

The promise of the father given to the visionary:
whoever has the image in his house or flat and reveres and loves it, will not be lost, be protected. The father himself will take care of these souls.


(a gift in my atonement and illness, received on Friday, 21.10.2016, around 23.45)

In a vision I was shown a wonderful image of God the father sitting on the throne. I didn’t see the throne, because it was covered with the regal garments of the father. He had on a wonderful big cloak and a robe. It was his clothing from his last days, consisting of many regal colours, mainly gold, brocade and various luxurious fabrics, embroidered with precious stones and much more. Never before had an eye ever seen such a regal, beautiful robe, because it is the celebration of the 2nd coming of his son, and the return of and reunion with his children. He also wore his crown of victory and his last days. I saw his figure but not his face, his form and stature, but not his face, I felt both his grandeur and power and presence, and the love and fatherliness in his face, that I did not see.
On his right leg, at knee height, on the inside, a crucifix was resting with his son, nailed onto it, alive. The lord moved in his pain. I was allowed to kneel on the steps before God the father, and the cross with the lord was two steps in front of me, at about shoulder height. So, I was able to see clearly how the lord moved on the cross and suffered in his pain. Between God the father and the cross, so exactly from the father’s heart, a rainbow began, and half of the rainbow ended or went up into the cross, roughly where the inscription is made.

Note: HE only showed me the face of God the father in spirit, a few weeks later in church, after I kept asking myself how I could create an image, if I had no face of the father. HE explained to me:
"Take the image that you have on the windowsill at home, and paint me like that, only older”. He also gave me a description in spirit, and I could also feel his approximate age. The picture on the windowsill is of the merciful Jesus according to the holy sister Faustyna, in which the eyes shine with the purest love, longing and mercy.
God the father also explained to me why HE wanted this image, and indeed, because the end of his life is now the last act of mercy.

Further explanations about the image:
From the lap of the father came the son and God-man Jesus Christ, perfected through the spirit and begotten in Mary. From the heart of the father of man, humanity. Man, who was created in the image of the father, by him, as well as the son, who is the word, and who said: “….Whoever has seen me, has seen the father …” (John 14:9)

In the heart and the lap of the father, man comes back, redeemed and reunited, through the cross and the redeeming death of his son and through his precious blood.

Equally in the lap, man comes back through his “yes” to Jesus Chris, through his honest repentance, the subsequent cleansing and through his son, when Jesus leads us to his and our father.

Jesus says: “I am the way and the truth and the life; no one comes to the father, except through me.” (John 14:6)

The vision showed me the father in his power and glory, prepared in his clothing, to receive his children, the living and the dead in the 2nd coming of Christ, and to celebrate a great occasion with us.

God the father also showed the love and connection to people, as well as his love and waiting and longing for his beloved children.

He also showed that the trinity and man are connected, symbolised since the end of the flood by Noah, through a rainbow, which portrays the connection of God and man.

And God spoke to Noah: “This is the sign of the covenant, that I have established between me and all flesh that is on the earth.” (1 Moses 9).

His children are embedded in the lap and in protection between God the father and God the son (represented by the cross). The rainbow was exactly in the middle, sprung out of the heart of the father and led to the cross of the son.

It also showed that only half of the rainbow was present, which led to the cross, but I didn’t see the other half. The other half of the rainbow was missing, because these people did not say “yes” to the lord and therefore didn’t want to be saved, although the lord suffered for them and shed his blood on the wood of the cross. It is the free will of the people, who then send themselves into damnation.

God the father also showed, that to come to him, the part of the people who said “yes” to his son, must go the way of the cross, and is prepared to carry part of the cross. Without the cross, we could not get to the father, whether it is the cross of the lord

- as his suffering
- as his redemption for humanity or
- even for humanity as suffering as a redemption

God the father is and will
ALWAYS be with us. He accompanies and protects us; he suffers and rejoices with us and he is WAITING so LONGINGLY for us.

He is the
BEGINNING, the heart from which rainbow (humanity, his children) springs up, and He Is the END, the heart which the rainbow (we, his children) should be led back to.

HE IS the ALPHA and the OMEGA

This vision, explained visually and linguistically, is a gift for the remnant army. Anticipation of seeing the father again, in the company and the suffering of the son and our brother Jesus Christ. All of this will happen now in the last days, through the revelation of John and in the phase of the holy spirit; also in the connection with the mother Mary, full of grace, the immaculate, meek maid, marked out from the sea of people, from the sea of humanity.

Is it not wonderful, and does it not strengthen us?

I send you all my love and thankfulness, and wish you all the love and feeling of the trinity, how greatly they assist you, and how you rejoice, if you continue on the path loyally and steadfastly.